
Poke with eel and “Unagi” sauce


  • Sushi rice (dry) TM Hokkaido Club – 180 g
  • Rice vinegar TM Hokkaido Club – 4 table spoons
  • Sriracha sauce TM Hokkaido Club – 0,5 tea spoon
  • Eel – 200 g
  • Unagi sauce TM Hokkaido Club – 50 g
  • White cabbage – 160 g
  • Pod beans – 80 g
  • Chuka salad – 80 g
  • Cilantro for decoration


  1. Boil the rice according to the instructions on the package.While still warm, add vinegar.Leave to infuse.
  2. Mix cabbage with Sriracha sauce.
  3. Drop green beans into boiling water, cook for 2 minutes.Immediately drop into ice water, dry and cut across.
  4. Cut the eel into small pieces 2-3 cm wide.
  5. Place the rice in a bowl.Put the cabbage with Sriracha sauce, beans, chuka.Place the sliced eel on top and pour Unagi sauce over it.

Garnish with cilantro or green onions.

Enjoy your meal!